版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
Since 2016.
GYM is the best top rated free online dating and social networking app for men & women into sports, the gym, or just lookin good!
Make new friends, talk about sports, fitness, get workout tips, find workout partners. GYM dating app mixes the gym scene into the dating scene!
See the latest online members (and the gyms they go to), nearest to you, or search members for specific interests, stats, and location.
Get matched with others that share the same athletic interests, stats, people you like, teams you like, even political views, and more...
Update your profile easily with a few taps. Take gym Selfies - Show yourself off...
You don't have to have a gym membership to use GYM Dating App, but you have to have a GYM membership to use GYM!
GYM Dating App is not affiliated with any gym or other entity besides Skquares.com Apps.